Friday, 23 August 2013


Problem Link :


The problem is easy , once we see it as a graph . Consider a graph with vertices representing remainders (0 - (N-1) ). Initially we have only { d1%N,d2% N , .. dk%N } vertices , that can be reached . Now from each of these vertices , we can go to (10*k1 + k2)%N , where k1 is any vertex , and k2 is a digit belonging to that subset. So just do a BFS/DFS on this graph to see if vertex with remainder 0 can be reached or not !

Example : suppose we have only 7,8,9 that we can be used , and N = 11. Then from 7 we can go to
7*10+8%11 = 1 , 7*10 + 9 = 2 , 7*10 + 9 = 3, 8*10 + 7 = 10 , 8*10 + 8 = 0 . Hence we reach the state 0 .

Complexity will be O(10*N).

1 comment:

  1. Sir, I implemented this approach. Maybe I didn't quite get the correct idea. First I am checking if we can reach to zero or not, then I am calculating the answer. That is giving TLE. How can I make it faster?
